The RGB-XYZ Matrix Calculator
Enter the tristimulus values or chromaticity coordinates for an RGB color space.
(Note: if you copy three values separated by spaces and/or commas, you can paste them into any of the three-component X, Y, Z or matrix fields on this page all at once.)
Click “generate” to generate the matrices and white point.
The equations for most of the above may be found at Bruce Lindbloom’s site.
Should you need to brush up on your matrix math, see Matrix multiplication and Inversion of 3×3 matrices at Wikipedia.
iccdump.exe -v3 -t wtpt -t rXYZ -t gXYZ -t bXYZ -t chad C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color\monitor817563_5275.icm XYZArray: No. elements = 1 0: 0.964203, 0.999985, 0.825195 [Lab 99.999410, 0.003041, -0.024881] XYZArray: No. elements = 1 0: 0.445770, 0.238647, 0.025528 [Lab 55.952120, 76.481857, 61.263777] XYZArray: No. elements = 1 0: 0.367859, 0.718781, 0.056503 [Lab 87.909859, -85.248152, 97.323371] XYZArray: No. elements = 1 0: 0.150574, 0.042557, 0.743164 [Lab 24.499300, 94.689210, -123.336852] S15Fixed16Array: No. elements = 9 0: 1.017868 1: 0.009171 2: -0.019760 3: 0.011887 4: 0.994797 5: -0.006729 6: -0.003616 7: 0.005890 8: 0.901245