screen shot


musical dream

Download Mandala Explorer (563 KB)


Getting Started

• Unzip the download file,, into its own folder.  The folder will contain the program file, MandalaExplorer.exe; the help file, MandalaExplorerHelp.chm; and a folder called Mandala Explorer Configuration Files.  Unless you choose a different location for saving files, Mandala Explorer does not modify any files outside its own folder.

• Windows 9x, NT, or greater is required.  When displaying a hit-count image (which uses more memory than a regular one) full-screen at a resolution of 1280×1024, the program appears to use about 13MB of memory.

Mandala Explorer version © 2008 by Russell W. Cottrell is freeware.

Thanks to the developers of Fractint from which many of the equations were derived.
See also the mirror of the Fractint site.

More information about the Latööcarfian and Icon fractals:

Chaos in Wonderland by Clifford A. Pickover.
New York:  St. Martin’s Press, 1994.

Symmetry in Chaos by Michael Field and Martin Golubitsky.
Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 1995.


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